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王思杰,Dec. 8, 2021

多接受电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)已成为测量稳定同位素相对丰度的首选方法,但在利用其进行高精度稳定同位素测试时仍需进行仪器质量歧视效应的校正。通常有两种技术用于校正MC-ICP-MS中的仪器质量歧视偏差:样品-标样间插法(Standard-Sample Bracketing, SSB)和双稀释剂法(Double Spiking, DS)。SSB法通常被认为是首选的方法,然而,SSB法更容易受到基质效应的影响(Pietruszka et al., 2008)。

许多研究表明,MC-ICP-MS中的基质效应可以通过仔细分离、纯化和处理相关元素来消除(例如,Kehm et al., 2003; Schoenberg et al., 2005; Pietruszka et al., 2006)。目前已有许多通过使用离子交换树脂柱有效地将单一目标元素从基质元素中分离的例子,如Ba(Nan et al., 2015)、V(Wu et al., 2016)等。然而一些陆地岩石样品(如橄榄岩、金伯利岩和捕虏体)和地外样品(包括月球岩石和陨石)十分珍贵有限且存在不均一性,需要更加低耗高效的分离纯化方案。对此Yang et al. (2010)曾提出样品消解后,利用两种不同的树脂从其他基质元素中连续分离Lu、Hf、Rb、Sr、Sm和Nd的方案,然而鲜有文献报道一次样品消解后通过同一离子交换树脂同时分离多个元素的分析方案。

考虑到许多地外样品都十分有限,且在分别纯化样品部分主微量元素(如Ca、Rb、Sr)时消耗量较大和(或)需要某些特殊的纯化条件(树脂、酸),我们在Sr元素分离纯化流程的基础上,尝试进行Rb-Sr-Ba-Ca一柱分离实验。经过不懈的尝试,我们利用合成溶液成功摸索出了只用AG 50W-X12 (200–400 mesh)阳离子树脂连续分离Rb-Sr-Ba-Ca四种元素的分析方案,且每种元素的回收率均> 99%;下一步计划将用不同类型的标准样品及地外样品按该方案分离四种元素并测试其同位素组成。虽然在摸索方法的过程中出现了许多意料之外的艰难和波折,但是此次建方法的过程,是不断发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的过程,也是一个不断学习知识、充实自我的过程,使我收获颇丰。最后衷心感谢各位老师指导和师兄师姐的帮助,让我少走了许多弯路,也给了我莫大的支持和信心。




Aaron J. Pietruszka, Audrey D. Reznik, Identification of a matrix effect in the MC-ICP-MS due to sample purification using ion exchange resin: An isotopic case study of molybdenum, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 270, Issues 1–2, 2008, Pages 23-30.

K Kehm, E.H Hauri, C.M.O’D Alexander, R.W Carlson, High precision iron isotope measurements of meteoritic material by cold plasma ICP-MS, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 67, Issue 15, 2003, Pages 2879-2891.

Ronny Schoenberg, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, An assessment of the accuracy of stable Fe isotope ratio measurements on samples with organic and inorganic matrices by high-resolution multicollector ICP-MS, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,

Volume 242, Issues 2–3, 2005, Pages 257-272.

Aaron J. Pietruszka, Richard J. Walker, Philip A. Candela, Determination of mass-dependent molybdenum isotopic variations by MC-ICP-MS: An evaluation of matrix effects, Chemical Geology, Volume 225, Issues 1–2, 2006, Pages 121-136.

Xiao-Yun Nan, Fei Wu, Zhaofeng Zhang, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang, Hui-Min Yu*, 2015. High-precision barium isotope measurement by MC-ICP-MS. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2015, 30, 2307-2315.

Fei Wu, Yuhan Qi, Huimin Yu, Shengyu Tian, Zhenhui Hou, Fang Huang*, 2016. Vanadium isotope measurement by MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 421: 17-25.

Yue-heng Yang, Hong-fu Zhang, Zhu-yin Chu, Lie-wen Xie, Fu-yuan Wu, Combined chemical separation of Lu, Hf, Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd from a single rock digest and precise and accurate isotope determinations of Lu–Hf, Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotope systems using Multi-Collector ICP-MS and TIMS, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,

Volume 290, Issues 2–3, 2010, Pages 120-126.




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